By the way

I love reading books out loud to my children. I look forward to seeing their expressions as the stories progress. The little chuckles at a joke or a puzzled look at a difficult word gives me the chance to stop and gauge whether or not I’m keeping their interest. I’ve learned that kids ask the most simple yet profound questions.

The stories I write are intended to be read out loud. I understand some children may not be familiar with the background or references I bring up. Or they might have a hard time making sense of some big words. This is intentional – I want you, as a parent or caregiver, to start conversations with your children. Stop reading if you see a big word, ask if they know that specific detail from history, quiz them on how they would react in the same situation. Parenting through storytelling is one of the best tools I’ve found to work with my children. And most importantly don’t forget to enjoy your children and have fun.

Happy story telling!

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